What does this service provide?

Who we are 

At Chailey Clinical Services, we have been conducting research into paediatric neurodisability for over twenty years.  

What we do 

Our research underpins our problem-solving, needs-led approach to supporting children and young people to reach their potential.  

We have a strong track record in leading and participating in clinical research nationwide and Europe-wide to define good healthcare for children with complex neurodisability.  

Building on our expertise and research excellence, we provide specialist training which has been developed from the clinical experience of the team and from research carried out by individuals and teams at Chailey Clinical Services.

We provide in-house training to Chailey Clinical Services staff and teams across the Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust to expand knowledge and skills in working with children and young people with complex neurodisabilities. 
Our team teach on undergraduate and postgraduate University courses, as well as providing active professional support for nurses, clinical scientists, medical students, and allied health professionals.  
Our medical team provide training to parents to support them with their child’s complex disability. 
We are leaders in the fields of posture management, powered mobility learning, eating, drinking and swallowing, motor skills, assistive technology, sleep, and consulting with children, young adults and their families. 
Find out more about research at Chailey Clinical Services, including ‘Breathe-Easy’ –   a study which explores the experiences of children with complex neurodisability and their families with the use of postural management for respiratory positioning at night-time.  


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