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Send us your compliments and tell us about your positive experiences with our services.

Complaints and feedback

We are here to help you when you need support, if you have any concerns, if you want to tell us about your experience of our services or if you are not sure who to speak to.

Tell us your story

Would you like to tell us what you think about our services? You could be involved in service development and improvement or share your story in a video, for example. Tell us what we are good at, where can we improve and what matters to you. 

You can: 

  • write a letter to PALS or email us
  • you can complete a survey to tell us your story. If you would like an urgent response, please contact PALS 
  • complete a Family and Friends Test card 
  • email us a photo or a video
  • get creative; we'd love to see your cakes, collages or stories about your experience
  • send us a text message or call us
  • contact Care Opinion

Contact details for our PALS Team are at the bottom of this page.

All feedback will be shared anonymously wherever possible, but if you have any questions about this, please ask. 

Friends and Family Test 

Have you been given a Friends and Family test card? 

The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether patients are happy with the service they provided or where improvements are needed. It's a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment. 

More information on the Friends and Family Test can be seen on this short video.

You said, We did

We use your feedback to improve what we do. Our patients' experience is one of our Trust's strategic goals and our Patient Experience Strategy includes enhancing communication to patients and increasing feedback from people who use our services.

Your feedback matters

All feedback is shared anonymously with the service involved. Services use the feedback to create a 'You said, We did' poster to display in their local service, clinic or ward which demonstrates how your feedback has been listened to and the developments or changes which have been made as a result.

You said, we did - May 2024

Service You said We did
CHAMP CoastalI would prefer to know in advance date and time of calls, so I can be sure not to be out or have arranged for another appointment. We now have a new community nursing leaflet; this should explain the service and help manage patients’ expectations.
CHAMP CoastalWe often experienced lack of service, nurses cancelling all the time. Some nurses were far better than others in so far as they managed to get things actionedWe will aim to call patients who we are unable to see if we have arranged a specific day.
ICU CrowboroughOccasional lack of communicationStaff like to be able to take the time to listen to our patients and are encouraged to do so and this will be discussed as part of our shared learning.
Living Well ProgrammeCould you open the (online) course a bit earlier as not everyone can hang on at the end?Great idea! We will trial letting participants into the online course sessions on MS Teams 5-10 minutes earlier.

Get involved

Patient Network

We want to involve patients, families and carers in different ways. By including patients and the public in the Trust's work, helps to change and improve the way care and services are delivered. 

If you want to become more involved in our work, you can join our Patient Network. The Patient Network is made up of patients, service users, families and carers who have registered their interest to be involved in Trust activities.

There are a number of activities we would like our Patient Network to engage with and you can pick the ones you want to be involved in, for example: 

  • being part of service improvement
  • attending focus groups meetings
  • undertaking surveys
  • telling us your patient story
  • taking part in our Reading Group

If you would like to get involved in any of the activities above, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) at 01273 242 292 or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Other ways to get involved:

Get in touch

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call or text: 01273 242 292

Postal address:

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
B Block
Brighton General Hospital
Elm Grove

Page last reviewed: 05 July 2024