How to find us

Use the google map below to get directions and plan your journey:

Alternatively, you can find us using the what3words address snippet:

Useful information

Parking and accessibility

The managed parking scheme at Brighton General Hospital (BGH) is in place to ensure routes and pathways around the site are clear, access to buildings is protected and our patients and visitors are able to park immediately on their arrival.

There are spaces available to public and visitors in the visitor car park. There are disabled spaces across the site, and drop off bays located at the front of the Arundel building.

The visitor car park is a pay and display car park and a ticket needs to be purchased upon arrival. The pay and display machine is located by the entrance to the car park and is accessible on foot.

Car parking appeals procedure

This procedure has been produced to provide public, patients and staff members who have received a Parking Charge Notice (PCN), at NHS sites where Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT) hold the parking contract, with a set route to follow in regards to appealing the PCN.

PCN has been issued

If you receive a PCN for breaching the conditions of parking and wish to appeal, please follow the appeal instructions on the PCN. You must appeal in the first instance through One Parking Solution (OPS) no later than 28 days from the date of issue to:

Appeals Department
One Parking Solution Limited
95 Arundel Road
West Sussex
BN13 3EU

or online

PCN appeal unsuccessful

If your appeal through OPS is unsuccessful, you can either appeal to the Trust, or to an independent external organisation; Parking On Private Land Appeals (POPLA). Please note either option must be done within 28 days of receiving notice that your OPS appeal was unsuccessful. You will therefore be unable to appeal to both.

1. Appeal through the Trust

You must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 28 days of you receiving notice that your OPS appeal being rejected and provide the following:

  • a copy of the PCN
  • any photographic evidence to support why your appeal should be upheld
  • a written statement identifying why your appeal should be upheld
  • any other evidence to support your appeal

The SCFT Parking Appeals Panel meets once a month. To ensure fair representation for public, patients and staff, Public Governors and Staff Governors have been invited to sit on the Parking Appeals Panel.

The Parking Appeals Panel decision will be final and cannot be overturned by any other method within SCFT.

Your appeal will be rejected by the SCFT Parking Appeals Panel if you have not followed the above procedure or have attempted to pursue it through other SCFT internal routes before following this procedure.

2. Appeal through Parking On Private Land Appeals (POPLA)

  • your appeal rejection letter will provide you with a POPLA 10 digit verification code which can be used
  • full instructions on how to appeal at POPLA are given on the POPLA website

You will not be able to appeal via POPLA or the Trust if you have not appealed through OPS first.

Public transport

As part of our sustainability programme, please consider using public transport where possible when visiting one of our sites.


There is a mobile coffee truck and a nursery. 

Brighton General Hospital services

  • Adult Speech and Language Therapy Service

    This service provides support for people over 16 experiencing changes in their speech, language, communication or swallowing.

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Specialist Nurse and Practitioner Service

    This service is for people living with Multiple Sclerosis, their families, children and relatives. Our team of specialist nurses and practitioners provide ongoing specialist nursing.

  • Waves Weight Management Clinic

    This service works with children, young people, and their families in Brighton and Hove to help them to make positive changes to their eating and physical activity habits.

  • Podiatry and Orthotics Services

    This service is made up of registered podiatrists, orthotists, nurses and health care assistants who provide a comprehensive foot health service to adults and children across West Sussex and Brighton and Hove.

  • Parkinson's Service - East Sussex

    This service provides support for patients in Brighton and Hove and High Weald, Lewes and Havens who have a confirmed diagnosis of Parkinson's.

  • Child Immunisation Service

    This service offers school-age vaccinations to all children attending schools in East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton and Hove.

  • Children in Care Health Team - Brighton and Hove

    This team help to improve the health outcomes for children and young people who are in the care of Brighton and Hove City Council, whether living in or out of the local area.

  • Neuro Rehabilitation Outpatients Service

    This service provides support for people over 16 struggling with needs arising from long-term complex neurological conditions such as acquired brain injury, stroke, MS, Cerebral Palsy and Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

  • Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Specialist Nurse and Practitioner Service

    This service provides support and advice for people in Brighton and Hove and West Sussex diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and their families and carers.

  • Children's Specialist Nursing

    This service supports children and young people who have complex needs with developmental difficulties and their families.

  • Intravenous (IV) Therapy Service

    This service supports and enables early hospital discharges by providing and supporting the delivery of IV therapy within a clinic setting or within patient's homes in Brighton and Hove and West Sussex.

  • Paediatric Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Chronic Fatigue Service (CFS)

    This service provides assessment, intervention programmes, advice and support to children and young people (up to the age of 18 years) who live in Brighton and Hove with a diagnosis of ME/CFS.

  • Children's Audiology Service

    This service specialises in the assessment and management of children’s hearing and hearing therapy for children aged 0 to 16 years old.

  • Children and Young People's Community Nursing Services

    This service provides clinical nursing care and support for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years with health conditions.

  • Lymphoedema Service

    This service offers treatment and advice to patients over the age of 18, who are suffering from oedema or swelling due to an impairment in their lymphatic system.

  • Respiratory Service - Brighton and Hove

    This service provides care for people living with chronic lung conditions in Brighton and Hove.

  • Children and Young People’s Continence Team

    This service is a community-based, nurse-led, specialist paediatric continence service helping children and young people in West Sussex and Brighton and Hove experiencing constipation, soiling, day wetting and night wetting (enuresis).

  • Primary Care Network Community Nursing Teams - Brighton and Hove and East Sussex

    This service works with people with long term conditions and their carers to promote health and wellbeing in the community.

  • Sussex Primary Care

    Sussex Primary Care run a number of GP Practices across Sussex providing excellent primary care in the heart of the community.

  • Autism and Social Communication Assessment Pathway

    This service works to assess children using the assessment pathway to look at a wide range of things including whether your child has Autism Spectrum Condition.

  • Occupational Therapy for Children

    This service helps children and young people under the age of 18 (up to 19 if in special education) develop functional skills to achieve or maintain their independence at home, nursery, or school across Brighton and Hove and West Sussex.

  • Physiotherapy for Children

    This service provides paediatric physiotherapy services to babies, children, and young people up to the age of 18 (up to 19 if in special education) across Brighton and Hove and West Sussex.

  • Child Development Services

    These services house a number of multi-disciplinary teams who support children and young people aged 0 to 19 years.

  • Falls and Fracture Prevention Service

    This service provides specialist assessment and rehabilitation for adults who are at risk of falls and fractures or at risk of developing osteoporosis.

  • Heart Failure Service

    This service provides support to patients with a confirmed diagnosis of heart failure by echocardiogram.

Important: Disclaimer

Whilst we aim to keep this information as up to date as possible, there may be times this is missed. If you believe information on this page needs updating please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Brighton General Hospital

Where to find us

Address: Brighton General Hospital, Elm Grove, Brighton, BN2 3EW

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Closed on weekends.

Contact details

Telephone: 01273 696011

If you need an alternative contact method which isn't listed, you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Where to get help

Many minor injuries and illnesses can be handled at minor injury units (MIUs) or urgent treatment centres (UTCs) across Sussex.

Alternatively, you can call 111 or get help from 111 online.

For severe and life-threatening emergencies

Accident and emergency (A&E) is for serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies.

These are things like loss of consciousness, suspected heart attacks, breathing difficulties, or severe bleeding that cannot be stopped.

Find out more about when to go to A&E.