What does this service provide?
Who we are
We are a small service working 1–2 days per week. Our team is made up of a Clinical Psychologist and two Occupational Therapists.
What we do
We provide assessment, intervention, advice and support to children and young people (up to the age of 18 years) who live in Brighton and Hove with a diagnosis of ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).
Appointment information
Appointment types
Our appointments are usually at Seaside View Child Development Centre. However, if you are unable to attend the appointment at Seaside View, we are able to carry out home visits. We are able to offer virtual appointments but require a face-to-face appointment every 6 months.
Preparing for your appointment
Before coming to see us, you will have already met with a paediatrician at the Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital who will have diagnosed your symptoms as ME/CFS.
Our role is to assess the difficulties you are experiencing and then create an individually tailored intervention plan to help you manage and overcome these difficulties.
Once we have accepted a referral, we will offer you an appointment to meet with our Occupational Therapist and Clinical Psychologist. This usually takes around 60-90 minutes with any breaks needed. We may send out questionnaires ahead of the appointment to help us understand your current needs. During this appointment an agreed plan of support is developed together.
We work in a flexible way that is patient-centred and collaborative with young people and families, considering their individual needs.
We offer specialist assessments and both individual and group therapy appointments, workshops for both young people and caregivers, and consultation and advice to other services and medical teams. We liaise closely with education providers to help them understand your needs in relation to your ME/CFS.
We also deliver education/training about ME/CFS to other professionals, schools, and families.
What happens after my treatment or therapy plan ends?
Any follow-up appointments or onward referrals will be actioned as and when appropriate.
How can I access this service?
We can only accept referrals for children and young people (up to the age of 18 years) who are resident in Brighton and Hove, and following a diagnosis of ME/CFS by a Paediatrician at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital.
GPs should refer patients to Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in the first instance.
How can I contact this service?
Please see the Child Development Services main page for Child Development Centre addresses and opening times.
Get the best from your NHS
If you want to share a compliment, raise a concern or if you are just not sure who to speak to you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).