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Are you passionate about the NHS and the health of our communities in Sussex?

Would you like to further your interest by combining it with public service?

If you answer these questions ‘yes’, why not join Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust’s (SCFT) Council of Governors?

The Council is a vital part of the Trust and is responsible for ensuring that its services and direction meet the needs of the people it serves.

Nominations to the Council are being held from Friday 5 January 2024 until 5pm Monday 22 January in the following public constituencies:

  • Arun
  • Brighton and Hove
  • Crawley
  • Mid Sussex

You must live in a relevant constituency when making a nomination.

If you make a nomination and are elected, you and 27 other members of the Council will:

  • represent our members on key issues and consult them on important matters such as service developments
  • help shape our future strategy and the services we provide to more than 9,000 people every day, mostly in their own homes
  • participate in the selection and appointment of Non-Executive Directors including the Trust Chair
  • engage with and recruit members to help us grow our membership base
  • seek feedback about the NHS from local people and to share this with the Trust Board

Our Lead Governor and Public Governor for Chichester, Alan Sutton said:

“I originally joined as a Trust member with an interest in giving something back to the NHS. I have been a patient over many years and more recently, since becoming a governor, I decided to be a Research Champion with the National Institute of Health Research and a Dementia Volunteer. The opportunity to represent members, patients and the wider public at a time of massive changes is really exciting, especially against the background of the new collaborative approach taken by NHS Sussex and the Integrated Care System.

Governors are all volunteers with varying time to contribute but governors definitely have a strong voice and with their many differing skills, the opportunity to share them with each other and the Trust Board is priceless. Being a governor has widened my understanding of the services available locally and to make sure that they are being delivered to the highest standard possible.” 

Who to contact for more information/how to make a nomination

If you would like to discuss the governor role, please contact Deputy Trust Secretary Paul Somerville:

Call: 01273 696011 ext. 1520

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alternatively, if you would like to register your interest and make a nomination, please contact Civica Election Services (CES), the independent organisation we have appointed to manage the nomination and election process by:

Tel: 020 8889 9203

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Text: 2FT SC and your name and address to 88802


CES will send you details explaining how to complete and submit your nomination form and who to contact for guidance. You can also complete an online nomination form here.


Elections will only be held if the number of nominations for a constituency exceeds the number of seats available.

Where elections take place, ballot papers will be issued to relevant Trust members on Friday 9 February 2024. Members will be able to cast their vote until 5pm Thursday 29 February 2024.

The results of the election will be made public from Monday 4 March 2024.