What does this service provide?

Who we are

Our service is run by a dietitian and is part of the Nutrition Service.

What we do

We provide nutritional advice and support for children and young adults under the age of 19 with dietary or nutritional concerns. These could include:

  • being concerned you are under or overweight
  • being concerned you are lacking certain nutrients in your diet
  • gastrointestinal problems meaning you are not tolerating your diet
  • finding it difficult to have your feed routine managed
  • having problems with your feeding equipment

You will also have the opportunity to share any concerns you may have with us. Discussions will focus on your current diet and look at your growth, and any advice given will take your individual needs into account. We may also take your body composition measurements.

Appointment information

Appointment types

Your appointment will be at the outpatient clinic at Chailey Clinical Services. When you arrive, our receptionist will check we have your correct details and show you where to wait for your appointment. The clinic nurse will meet you and take you to the clinic room.

Appointments are 40 minutes per person. If siblings are also referred, we try to book a double appointment for your convenience.

You are welcome to bring a carer, mealtime assistant, or anyone else you would like to be there.

After your appointment, a report will be sent to you, your paediatrician, GP, nurse, and anyone else in your team who is directly involved in your diet and nutrition.

Who you'll see

During your appointment, you will see the following members of our team:

  • senior paediatric dietitian and lead clinician
  • specialist nurse practitioner – nutrition and enteral feeding

What do I need to bring to the clinic?

Please bring your Child Health Record with you if it's available.

For individuals who eat and drink

Before the clinic you'll be sent a 3-day food diary which we'd like you to complete as accurately as possible. This will help us see if your diet contains the right amount of nutrients required for your growth and development.

For individuals who are tube-fed

You'll be sent a pre-clinic checklist to fill in which will provide essential information about your feed, equipment, and your tolerance to the feed. If you eat and drink as well, you may also be sent a 3-day food diary.

Both the 3-day food diary and pre-clinic checklist will need to be returned at least 1 week before the appointment date to allow time for the information to be processed and calculations made. A prepaid envelope will be provided, addressed directly to the dietician, to speed up this process.

All arrangements associated with your feed delivery company and GP prescription will be taken care of after the clinic by the dietitian.

We'll also liaise with your local dietitian and other health professionals involved in your care.

How can I access this service?

As a young person who attends Chailey Heritage Foundation the dietetic clinic is open to any families who require support. Your child’s designated Paediatrician will be able to support with a referral to this service.

How can I contact this service?

Contact details
Telephone: 01825 722 112
Where to find us
Address: Chailey Clinical Services, Beggers Wood Road, Chailey, BN8 4JN

You can find us using the what3words address snippet below on the what3words website:

Alternatively, use the Google map below to get directions and plan your journey:

Opening hours

The Chailey Dietetic Clinic is run on a weekly basis throughout the school term for all Chailey Heritage Foundation Children. The appointments are around 30 minutes long for each clinic.

More detailed information about the date, time and location of your appointment can be found on your appointment letter.

Waiting times

You will receive a letter notifying you of the outcome of your referral.

For those accepted, we aim to see all new referrals within 18 weeks.

Let's get social

You can also get involved by engaging with our service's social media accounts by helping with the latest fundraisers and events.

Get the best from your NHS

If you want to share a compliment, raise a concern or if you are just not sure who to speak to you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).