What does this service provide?
Who we are
We are the Community Child Health Information Service, which is the central administrative base for Child Health Services across West Sussex and Brighton and Hove.
What we do
Our service is for patients who:
• live in West Sussex or Brighton and Hove
• and/or have a GP in West Sussex or Brighton and Hove
• and/or go to school in West Sussex or Brighton and Hove
We hold a record of all children between the ages of 0–19, which includes immunisations, pre-school and school health reviews and assessments.
We also work closely with local GPs, the Child Immunisation Service (0–19) and the Healthy Child Programme (0–19).
How can I contact this service?
Get the best from your NHS
If you want to share a compliment, raise a concern or if you are just not sure who to speak to you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).