What does this service provide?
Who we are
We are health visitors (also known as specialist community public health nurses) who provide a service for children, young people, and families, offering health and development reviews with additional support when needed.
What we do
The Healthy Child Programme entitles children and families to routine health and development reviews, which includes:
- from 28 weeks of pregnancy
- within 14 days of birth
- when your child is 6 to 8 weeks old
- when your child is 9 to 12 months old
- when your child is 2 to 2.5 years old
- school screening for hearing and vision - reception (West Sussex and Brighton and Hove)
- national: child measurement programme for height and weight - reception and Year 6
- health questionnaires in school – reception and Year 7 (Brighton and Hove)
All young people and parents or carers have access to our confidential anonymous texting service, which is known as ChatHealth or Parentline. For contact details, please see ‘who to contact for more information.’
We also offer additional support when needed or will signpost you to the best help for you and your family.
Appointment information
Appointment types
We offer a variety of options, including face to face, telephone and video.
Preparing for your appointment
We meet children, young people and families face to face and via video or phone appointments.
During your appointment you may see us use:
- a red book, which you will be given for your baby
- infant feeding resources and advice from the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative
- screening questionnaires to monitor child development
- screening tools for mental health needs
- health assessments
- resources from our websites
Topics we will discuss include your health in pregnancy and improving babies, children and young people's health outcomes, ensuring that families at risk are identified at the earliest opportunity.
What happens after my appointment?
Most children and families have routine contact with our service. If we have given you advice during the appointment, we can send you relevant information and will ask your consent for this and your preference for SMS text, email, or letter.
If you need additional support, we will plan this with you. This may include further support and advice from our teams or referrals to specialist services.
How can I access this service?
You will be contacted for routine health and development reviews.
If you are a professional wanting to refer a child to a West Sussex health visiting team, please use this form which contains criteria for referral and details of how to submit.
If you are a professional wanting to refer a child to a Brighton and Hove health visiting team, please use this form which contains criteria for referral and details of how to submit.
How can I contact this service?
Where can I find resources for this service?
All children and families have access to our free websites and leaflets:
- Health for Under 5s – website put together by trusted NHS professionals offering advice from birth to the age of 5
- Health for Kids – website offering health advice to help your children grow and flourish
- Health for Teens – website offering bite-sized information on a comprehensive range of physical and emotional health topics for teenagers, including healthy eating, body image, managing stress, advice on relationships, puberty, sexuality and much more.
- Jaundice in newborn babies - leaflet for parents and parents-to-be on jaundice in newborn babies
Useful videos
Health visiting in your community – a helpful video from the Institute of Health Visitors, which details the role of a health visitor and how they can help you and your family
Childhood sleep problems
A video explaining common sleep problems in children and how to reduce them.
Let's get social
You can also get involved by engaging with our service's social media accounts by helping with the latest fundraisers and events.
Get the best from your NHS
If you want to share a compliment, raise a concern or if you are just not sure who to speak to you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).