What can I do to help myself?

Heat or cold packs

Apply either a hot or cold pack (whichever you prefer) to the painful shoulder for 15-20 minutes. Ensure you wrap any pack in a damp tea towel to avoid direct contact burning the skin. This process can be repeated multiple times a day as long as the skin returns to normal temperature between applications.


It is well researched that having a greater understanding of your condition helps reduce anxiety (which can be linked to increased pain) helping you manage the condition more effectively.


It is important to try to keep your shoulder gently moving to reduce the chances of further stiffening. This can be easily achieved with stretching exercises (see exercise section). You can expect some discomfort with performing exercises however it is important that this is kept within a tolerable level and settles with 20-30 mins of completing the exercise. You may find combining a heat pack (as outlined above) with or before your stretching exercises could improve the effectiveness of your treatment.