Welcome to the summary version of our Annual Report for 2022-23.

We are pleased to share details of what has been a busy and successful year at Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT).

There have been many opportunities to celebrate the contribution we make to our local communities whilst we recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our teams continue to face significant pressure and an ever-increasing demand for our services, as the population continues to grow, and as more people are living longer often with multiple long-term conditions. 

Nevertheless, the people who make up the Trust continue to rise to meet these challenges and have shown remarkable resilience, compassion and dedication to each other and the people we care for.

We have always been incredibly proud of our 5,500 staff members and our dedicated 250+ volunteers.

Our work during the year provides many fine examples of colleagues and volunteers working together, not just across health and social care, but also education, the voluntary sector, businesses and the community at large, stepping up every day to deliver safe, compassionate and effective care.

While our priority is the delivery of excellent care for all the people we serve, managing our finances well means we can provide outstanding care and invest in what our patients need.

The Trust reported a surplus of £47,000 for the year ended 31 March 2023 and we remain in a strong, stable financial position.

We continue to work closely with all our partners as part of the Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS) to provide the best care possible to patients and their families, and to ensure that the Trust is a great place to work.

From us, a heartfelt thank you to all our colleagues for all you have, and continue to do, for our patients and for each other, to deliver our vision of excellent care at the heart of the community. 

With best wishes,

Siobhan Melia, Chief Executive and Giles York, Chair