What does this service provide?

Who we are 

We are a team of specially trained doctors, nurses and support staff who care for children and young people living in Sussex who have experienced sexual abuse or assault. 

What we do 

If a child or young person has been sexually abused or sexually assaulted, either recently or in the past, it is essential they receive the care and support they need as quickly as possible.  

During their time with us, our focus is on putting their needs first. Care at our centre includes: 

  • an examination by children's specialist doctors 
  • providing or arranging immediate and subsequent healthcare such as emergency contraception and prevention and testing for infection 
  • advice about where children and young people can receive ongoing care and support 

 We work together with Sussex police and social workers with the aim of: 

  • protecting children and young people aged under 14 from immediate harm 
  • keeping them safe in the future 
  • supporting them to recover from the physical and emotional impact of their experiences 
  • supporting social workers and police to take action against the people that committed the assault or abuse 

Appointment information

Who you'll see at your appointment 

We are here to put the needs of the young people we see first. 

They will be seen by one of our specialist doctors in an environment that is as friendly, welcoming and reassuring as possible. We understand that any child or young person that comes to us is likely to feel frightened, anxious and maybe angry and we are here to support them to recover from the physical and emotional impact of their experiences. 

Where your appointment will be 

Our centre is in Brighton and has its own dedicated clinical area. 

Young people aged over 14 are seen at the adult sexual assault referral centre in Crawley. 

You will be provided with information about the location of our centres when you are referred to us.


How can I access this service?

We only accept referrals from the police and social workers who have our contact details and know how to reach us. 

If you think a child is in immediate danger please call 999. 

If you are worried that a child or young person may have been or is being sexually abused or assaulted, please contact the police or the social care services – their contact details are included below.

How can I contact this service?

Opening hours 

We are open 365 days of the year and see children and young people from 10:00am to 4:00pm. 

Who to contact for more information 

Sussex Police

Visit the website for Sussex Police providing more information and contact details.

Brighton and Hove Social Services

Visit the website for Brighton and Hove Social Services providing more information and contact details. 

East Sussex Social Services

Visit the website for East Sussex Social Services providing more information and contact details.

West Sussex Social Services

Visit the website for West Sussex Social Services providing more information and contact details.

Get the best from your NHS

If you want to share a compliment, raise a concern or if you are just not sure who to speak to you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).