What does this service provide?

Who we are

We are a therapy led team consisting of allied health professionals, nurses, psychologists, care co-ordinators, and therapy assistants who provide care for people who have long COVID symptoms which are significantly impacting on their daily life.

What we do

We provide an initial assessment, usually via telephone or video, which is followed by advice, education on self-management strategies, and access to appropriate resources. We offer a personalised care approach, putting you at the centre of your care through shared decision-making every step of the way.

After having COVID-19, most people feel better within a few days or weeks of their first symptoms. Others have symptoms lasting longer, but most make a full recovery within 12 weeks. For some people, including children, symptoms can last longer than this. Symptoms lasting more than four weeks are described as ‘long COVID’. Some people notice new symptoms that develop which they did not have during their initial illness, or symptoms may return after a period of feeling better. Symptoms may affect people in different ways at different times.

Appointment information

Who you'll see at your appointment

All initial assessments are completed by registered healthcare professionals.

Where will the appointment be?

We are currently a remote service offering virtual appointments via telephone and video calls. Our face-to-face appointments are limited but we try to accommodate patients' needs where we can. If you need an in-person assessment please mention this when booking your assessment.

What happens at the appointment?

We will undertake a holistic assessment to better understand your symptoms, issues, and ongoing needs. We will give you advice and guidance on self-management strategies, and access to appropriate resources.

Your appointment will last approximately 45 minutes. To enable you to talk freely, please make sure you are in a confidential space. You may find it helpful to write a list of your main concerns ahead of your appointment to use as a prompt during your assessment.

After your initial assessment we will send you resources relevant to your main concerns and goals, along with a copy of your assessment summary.

We may refer you to other teams to help enable your rehabilitation. Based on your needs and personal priorities, you may be offered further support from the team e.g. fatigue management, breathing retraining, psychological support or return to work advice.

You will be offered follow-up review appointments at an appropriate frequency, based on your individual need.

What happens after treatment ends?

During the 3 months after discharge from the service you will be able to contact us for further support without the need for re-referral.

How can I access this service?

Your GP, nurse or health professional can refer you to us if you have been experiencing symptoms for four weeks or more and other potential causes have been ruled out.

If you are concerned about any of your symptoms, contact your GP. They should offer you an initial consultation and provide access to any further assessments or care that they determine you need. If your GP thinks that you may have long COVID, they will take a medical history and ask you some questions. They may also examine you and arrange for tests to be undertaken. After your assessment, your GP will talk to you about what they think is happening and discuss the support they think you need to help you get better. If appropriate, your GP will refer you to PCASS.

PCASS is a virtual service with face-to-face support as needed. Once your referral has been accepted, our team will contact you to confirm that you have been referred and to offer you self-management information.

To be referred to PCASS, you:

  • must have ongoing difficulties following confirmed or probable COVID-19 infection
  • must be medically stable with no acute symptoms and have received medical screening to rule out any other underlying causes of your symptoms
  • must be able and willing to engage in the service
  • must be registered to a GP surgery within Sussex
  • may have been hospitalised with COVID-19 or you may have managed your acute illness in the community – either way you can get support from PCASS

Children can also access our service, and will need to be referred by a healthcare professional. This may include GPs, dentists, school nurses and community and specialist nurses.

We endeavour to see all patients within 6 weeks of referral. Some patients may wait longer if vital clinical information or test results are missing on the referral form.

How can I contact this service?

Contact details
Telephone: 07717 484 399
Opening hours

We are open Monday to Friday, from 9:00am to 4:00pm.

We are closed at weekends and on bank holidays.

Where can I find resources for this service?

Long Covid

My Long COVID Needs - this assessment tool has been developed by Asthma + Lung UK, with funding from NHS England, to help you understand your current long COVID symptoms, your needs, what to do next and what help you can get. It’s anonymous and takes approximately five to ten minutes to complete.

Covid Physio – provides support for physiotherapists, support workers and other allied health professions (AHPs) living with long COVID. 

Mental Health

Mental Health Foundation – The UK’s leading charity for everyone’s mental health

Sussex Mental Health Crisis Line – 24/7 mental health crisis line

Health in Mind – this service provides talking therapies across East Sussex

Time to Talk – this service provides talking therapies across West Sussex

Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service – this service provides talking therapies across Brighton and Hove 

Managing Fatigue

Royal College of Occupational Therapists – practical advice on how to manage your energy levels when recovering from illness or managing long-term health conditions

Self Help

Physiotherapy for breathing pattern disorders -  advice on good breathing

Asthma + Lung UK – advice on how to manage breathlessness.

Cognition – Memory and Concentration

Your COVID Recovery – information and advice on how long COVID can affect your memory and focus

Physical Activity

Exercise NHS – exercise guidelines and workouts to help improve your fitness and wellbeing

NHS Pilates and yoga exercise videos – Pilates and yoga exercises, including exercises for beginners and exercises for people with problems such as back pain and arthritis

Speech and Language

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) – links to resources and websites on living with the after effects of COVID-19 / long COVID.

Eat Well

Eat well - NHS – information and guidance about eating a healthy, balanced diet


Sleep and tiredness - NHS – reasons why you might feel tired and advice about what you can do to prevent tiredness

Return to Work

Work - Citizens Advice – advice on returning to work

Pain Management

Pain - NHS – advice and support to help with your pain

Carers Support

Carers Support West Sussex – website for supporting carers in West Sussex


Let's get social

You can also get involved by engaging with our service's social media accounts by helping with the latest fundraisers and events.

Get the best from your NHS

If you want to share a compliment, raise a concern or if you are just not sure who to speak to you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).