Where can I access this service?

Telephone and contact details for all locations are detailed below, our telephone lines are open Monday to Thursday from 8:00am to 4:00pm and Friday from 8:00am to midday.

To book, cancel or change an appointment
Telephone: 01243 623 548 option 2
For Rheumatology advice line
Telephone: 01243 623 548 option 1
For queries about any active referral
Telephone: 01243 6235 48 option 3
For any other queries
Telephone: 01243 623548 option 4

Where can I find resources for this service?

Get the best from your NHS

If you need advice about our services, facilities or staff, or would like to make a comment, please contact Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS).

Contact details

You can contact PALS by the following:

Telephone: 01273 242 292

Give feedback

Tell us what you think about our services, what we are good at, where we can improve, and what matters to you? All feedback will be shared anonymously wherever possible, but if you have any questions about this, please ask.