What does this service provide?
Who we are
We are a multi-disciplinary team of health professionals who provide assessment and therapy to patients with a stroke or acquired brain injury.
Multi-disciplinary team: A multidisciplinary team (MDT) is a group of health and care professionals from one or more organisations who come together to discuss how best to care for you.
What we do
We are here to help patients who have suffered a stroke or acquired brain injury. Rehabilitation is personalised, goal-oriented and delivered within your own home.
Appointment information
Who you'll see at your appointment
Our team is made up of registered health care professionals and support staff.
During your appointment you may see an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, stroke nurse, speech and language therapist, clinical psychologist, or social worker.
Preparing for your appointment
Firstly, we will contact you via phone to establish your priorities and level of need.
We will then offer a face-to-face visit in order to complete a full assessment as required. Therapy is provided on a needs-based system after that. We also provide information and resources to support your recovery and help to live a healthy lifestyle.
What happens after my treatment or therapy plan ends?
Your discharge is planned for and agreed in advance when your goals are achieved or progress has plateaued. We will provide you with ongoing rehabilitation plans to enable you to continue to work independently towards any outstanding goals.
Appointment types
We offer a variety of options, including home visits, telephone, and virtual appointments.
How can I access this service?
We accept referrals for people who have a registered GP within the High Weald, Lewes and Haven and who meet the following criteria:
• they have a primary diagnosis of stroke or acquired brain injury as confirmed by a CT scan or documented medical evidence
• they have a confirmed stroke or brain injury within the last year
• they are medically stable to undertake a rehabilitation programme, having had a recent medical assessment with appropriate feedback to the team.
• they have identified rehabilitation goals and are willing to actively participate in a rehabilitation programme
For a copy of our referral form, please contact
How can I contact this service?
We are community-based and see our patients in their homes.
Where can I find resources for this service?
The Stroke Association – website providing information on the types of stroke, the effects and support. For details of local support, please contact 0303 3033 100
Different Strokes – website run by younger stroke survivors for younger stroke survivors, providing resources, information and support
MS Society – website providing information and support for those suffering with multiple sclerosis
MND Association – website providing information and support for those suffering with motor neurone disease
Parkinson’s – website providing information and support on Parkinson’s, to help you manage the condition. Their helpline is 0808 800 0303
Headway Sussex – a website supporting people living with a brain injury and their careers. Their helpline is 01825 724 323
Sussex, Health and Care – the website for the Sussex Mental Healthline, a telephone service offering support and information to anyone experiencing mental health problems including stress, anxiety and depression.
East Sussex Adult Social Care – the website for East Sussex Council’s adult social care, which helps people aged over 18 in East Sussex who are living at home and finding it difficult to cope
Get the best from your NHS
If you want to share a compliment, raise a concern or if you are just not sure who to speak to you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).