About tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is not linked to tennis specifically. It is a general term used to describe pain that is located around the soft tissues on the outside of the elbow (Lateral epicondyle). It commonly involves the tendons that attach the extensor muscles of the forearm to the lateral epicondyle. These muscles help to extend your wrist backwards. They are also important for gripping objects such as using a screw driver or opening a jar. Fortunately, tennis elbow is a self-limiting condition. This means symptoms will usually get better in their own time without the need for specific intervention. This process can take between 6 – 18 months.

Common symptoms of tennis elbow include:

  • localised pain around the outside of your elbow
  • pain when pressing the outside of your elbow
  • pain when lifting heavy items such as boxes
  • pain when bending your wrist
  • feeling of a weaker grip or pain on gripping

The level of pain can range from a mild discomfort to severe. Repetitive activities involving the wrist will increase the demand on these tendons especially if the activity involves a weight, for example, using a tool or lifting boxes. Symptoms will often be more noticeable if the activity is something you are not used to or if you have performed more than you normally would (overload).

Older adults may develop symptoms more gradually simply due to the normal aging process within the tendons of the body. This can lead to sensitivity of the nerves in the area and weaker muscles for wrist and hand activities. However, research shows that people can develop these changes to tendons and experience no symptoms.

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