Current guidelines state that sedation should be avoided in the first trimester (3 months) of pregnancy. Please inform the dental team if you are/could be pregnant.  

  • please eat and drink on the day of your appointment, and avoid attending on an empty stomach. You do not have to fast for this appointment
  • do not apply face cream, Vaseline or lip balms before your appointment
  • ensure that you do not have a cold and that you can breathe easily through your nose. If not please call as you may need to rearrange your appointment
  • if you would like someone with you during the sedation it is advisable that only one person is present. This is to minimise distraction so the dental team can focus on you

At no point will you be asleep, you will be able to respond to verbal commands and will be monitored closely at all times by a trained dental team. During the sedation you may feel – tingling of hands & feet, spreading warmth throughout the body, light headed, happy and relaxed. 

What will happen during the appointment?

  • a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide will be administered through a soft nasal mask which will be securely placed on the nose throughout the treatment. It is very important that this mask is not removed suddenly during the sedation
  • you will be asked to breathe through your nose so that the gases are inhaled and aid relaxation. It is important that you are able to breathe through your nose with your mouth open

If you feel any of the above this is completely normal.  

How will I feel after the sedation? 

After the sedation has finished you will be administered 100% oxygen for 2 minutes and monitored closely in the dental chair, this will be given through the nasal hood already in place. A small proportion of patients experience tiredness, dizziness, nausea or headache post-operatively. We therefore recommend that you are escorted home afterwards. The dental team will ensure you are fully recovered before allowing you to go home. Driving is not advised for 12 hours following a procedure using inhalation sedation. If you have any worries or concerns, either before or after treatment, please contact the dental team. 

Possible side effects of the long term use of Nitrous Oxide Gas

Nitrous Oxide is a medicine which can have possible side effects which are important to be aware of. These side effects are very rare. You may feel nauseous, or vomit after receiving Nitrous Oxide. Prolonged use of Nitrous Oxide can result in bone marrow changes, and nerve damage. If you suffer from any medical complaint where air is trapped within your body and it might be dangerous for this to expand, or if you are taking strong drugs to make you very sleepy you should not take medical Nitrous Oxide. These side effects are rarely seen, however if you do notice any side effects not mentioned please inform your dentist. 

To access more information about this resource and the service related to it, view the service(s) listed below.

Related services

  • Special Care Dental Service

    This service is a team of dentists, dental therapists and dental nurses who provide a service for children and adults who are unable to have treatment at a general dental practice as extra support is required.

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