• make sure you have the child's attention before you start speaking
  • use their name to attract their attention or touch them gently. People usually hear their name better than they hear other words
  • reduce background noise; turn off the radio or television before you start a conversation. Move to a quieter area of a room
  • find a place to talk that has good lighting, away from noise and distractions
  • turn you face towards them so they can see your lip movements
  • speak clearly, not too slowly and use normal lip movements, facial expressions and gestures
  • make sure that what you are saying is being understood
  • if they do not understand try saying it in a different way
  • get to the point. Use plain language and don't waffle
  • be aware of your acoustic environment. Background noise can differ from venue to venue. Choosing a venue which is carpeted and has soft furnishings will help to reduce echo

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Telephone: 01273 242 292

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The Trust provide resources in alternative formats, including language translations, large print, braille, easy-read format or on audio tape. Please contact the Communications and Engagement Team at scftcommunications@nhs.net if you require this resource in another format.