How will I know if I am eligible for a home visit? 

The Podiatrist will assess your suitability for the service and an environmental assessment will also be carried out to ensure treatment may be carried out in a home situation. Appropriate domiciliary visits may include being confined to bed, being immobile or having 24 hour care or if a medical specialist or professional has identified that you are too unwell to visit a clinic for example due to frailty or that travel poses a risk to your health.  In all cases the Podiatrist will check the appropriateness of the referral and decide whether they are able to accept you onto their caseload for home visiting. 

Who is not eligible for home visiting?  

If you are able to get out to visit your GP, go shopping, attend social engagements or carry out any other activity away from the home, you will be provided with a clinic appointment and not be eligible for a Domiciliary visit. 

Will my appointments always be at the same time?

Exact appointment times will not be made as it is difficult to be specific when travelling in the community. However you will be made aware if your appointment is going to be in the morning or afternoon. Sometimes these arrangements need to be altered at short notice, due to the demands of the service.  If this happens you will receive a phone call and a new appointment will be made on a mutually agreed day.   

Will I need to do anything between visits?  

The Podiatrist will provide you with advice on how to manage after the treatment. This may include looking after your dressing and how to notice signs and symptoms of deterioration. You will have a phone number to make contact with the Podiatry Department if you have any concerns.   

How do I make contact with the service if I am too unwell to be seen? 

 You will be provided with a phone number where messages may be left. An administrator will phone you back to confirm that the message has been received and to rearrange the appointment 

What are the advantages of being seen in a clinic?  

The clinic rooms are equipped with specialist equipment for diagnosis and treatment. There is also comfortable adjustable seating. There is a lesser risk of cross contamination in this clinical environment although rigorous infection control practices will be undertaken when visiting a patient at home. 

What happens when I am discharged from a home visit?

Your GP will receive a letter from the Podiatrist summarising the treatment and outcome of the visits. You will be provided with information on managing your foot health and what to look out for in the event of changes occurring and when to report these.  

To access more information about this resource and the service related to it, you can review the related resources below.

Basic footcare
This information contains advice about how to look after your feet.
Preparing for nail surgery
The information below explains what to expect during and after nail surgery and is intended for nail surgery patients and their carers.
Footwear advice
The following information contains advice about footwear.
Post nail surgery information
Information on dressing and healing for patients post nail surgery.

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If you want to share a compliment, raise a concern or if you are just not sure who to speak to you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

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