How to find us

Use the google map below to get directions and plan your journey:

Alternatively, you can find us using the what3words address snippet:

Useful information

Parking and accessibility

The managed parking scheme at Brighton General Hospital (BGH) is in place to ensure routes and pathways around the site are clear, access to buildings is protected and our patients and visitors are able to park immediately on their arrival.

There are spaces available to public and visitors in the visitor car park. There are disabled spaces across the site, and drop off bays located at the front of the Arundel building.

The visitor car park is a pay and display car park and a ticket needs to be purchased upon arrival. The pay and display machine is located by the entrance to the car park and is accessible on foot.

Public transport

As part of our sustainability programme, please consider using public transport where possible when visiting one of our sites.


There is a mobile coffee truck and a nursery. 

Sussex Rehabilitation Centre services

  • Wheelchair and Specialist Seating Service

    This service provides wheelchair and specialist seating for children, young people and adults. The team of wheelchair therapists help to maximise mobility, independence and quality of life for users of our service and their carers.

  • Prosthetics Service

    This service provides lifelong support for people of all ages with limb loss and limb difference. The prosthetic limb service includes the production, maintenance and repair of artificial limbs.

Important: Disclaimer

Whilst we aim to keep this information as up to date as possible, there may be times this is missed. If you believe information on this page needs updating please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Sussex Rehabilitation Centre

Where to find us

Address: Sussex Rehabilitation Centre, Brighton General Hospital, Elm Grove, Brighton, BN2 3EX

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday, from 8:30am to 5:00pm.
Friday, from 8:00am to 4:30pm.

Contact details

Telephone: 01273 242 160

Where to get help

Many minor injuries and illnesses can be handled at minor injury units (MIUs) or urgent treatment centres (UTCs) across Sussex.

Alternatively, you can call 111 or get help from 111 online.

For severe and life-threatening emergencies

Accident and emergency (A&E) is for serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies.

These are things like loss of consciousness, suspected heart attacks, breathing difficulties, or severe bleeding that cannot be stopped.

Find out more about when to go to A&E.