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Useful information
Nightingale Primary Care Centre (Dolphin Surgery) services
Looked After Children - West Sussex
This service delivers a supportive, informative, and highly effective service to address and meet the health needs of children and young people who are who are in the care of West Sussex County Council.
Children's Specialist Nursing
This service supports children and young people who have complex needs with developmental difficulties and their families.
Children's Audiology Service
This service specialises in the assessment and management of children’s hearing and hearing therapy for children aged 0 to 16 years old.
Autism and Social Communication Assessment Pathway
This service works to assess children using the assessment pathway to look at a wide range of things including whether your child has Autism Spectrum Condition.
Occupational Therapy for Children
This service helps children and young people under the age of 18 (up to 19 if in special education) develop functional skills to achieve or maintain their independence at home, nursery, or school across Brighton and Hove and West Sussex.
Child Development Services
These services house a number of multi-disciplinary teams who support children and young people aged 0 to 19 years.
Important: Disclaimer
Whilst we aim to keep this information as up to date as possible, there may be times this is missed. If you believe information on this page needs updating please contact