Content Owners: Administrator Content Review Period: Never Show Review Info: Yes

I firmly believe in the power of the NHS. Being a volunteer coordinator at the Trust's Brighton mass vaccination centre has given me insight as to how the NHS works, and I actively helped to recruit new Trust members as part of this role.

I sold my childcare company in December 2019 which grew from a bedroom operation to one employing 150+ people providing services to over 4,500 local families. I was responsible for strategic direction, marketing, HR, and customer service.

My company aimed to provide the best possible working environment for our team, and I am passionate about creating positive working environments. I am confident in speaking to and consulting with members of the public and make positive connections with people.

I was previously a Trustee, and strategy sub-committee lead, of a national play charity. My personality is positive, upbeat, confident, and energetic.

I currently have a ‘blended' career and work as a self-employed strategic marketing consultant and event director. I have a leadership MBA with distinction.

Tanya Petherick
Tanya Petherick
Tanya Petherick

Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024