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I have been proud to serve nurses as a staff governor since Sussex Community became a Foundation Trust in 2016.

Healthcare assistants are now within this constituency, which is something I lobbied for. This enables nurse governors to support the wider nursing family who make up the largest clinical staff group in the Trust. It took me some time to truly understand the requirements of the governor role, but over time all of the staff governors have worked together to raise our profiles with staff and their understanding of what we can offer.

I sit on the Trust Wellbeing Group as a staff governor which enables me to champion the needs and welfare of staff. I believe strongly that a supported workforce is an effective workforce, which in turn improves outcomes for patients and maintains quality.

Staff governors are an impartial and independent source of support for staff, especially around raising concerns. I will use my second term of office to promote this support with my constituency and the wider staff group and improve levels of engagement. I'm delighted to have been re-elected and to carry on what I have started.

Ngaire Cox
Ngaire Cox
Ngaire Cox

Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024