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I've successfully been voted in to stand for a further three-year term as governor. I feel I am well placed to assist Sussex Community with the challenges of the NHS 10-year plan and integration of services. I worked as a nurse at Horsham Hospital before retiring to become a carer for my mother.

I've joined local patient carers groups and forums and was elected to the Stewardship Group of West Sussex Local Health Involvement Network (LINKs) - the forerunner of Healthwatch West Sussex, becoming the LINKs liaison representative to the Trust.

My other roles have included: West Sussex PCT Oversight Committee for the introduction of the North West Sussex Stroke Community Rehabilitation Team, joining as lay representative on NHS England South East Coast Stroke Clinical Network I have witnessed how patients and carers voices have helped transform stroke services, a union staff side representative – I have supported NHS staff at a local/regional/national level working on equality/workforce issues including equal pay/work/life balance, Disability Discrimination Act, equality impact assessments and equality duties, a lay member of the NHS Kent/Surrey/Sussex Respiratory Group, a patient representative for Park Surgery on the Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG Clinical Patient Reference Group and the Horsham Locality Patient Group and a CCG representative on the MSK operational committee.

Lillian Bold
Lillian Bold
Lillian Bold

Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024