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Having trained as a physiotherapist, I’ve enjoyed working across the acute and community sector, as well as at system level. Now leading within one of our Urgent Community Response services, I continue to feel privileged to work with so many different professions that make such a valid contribution to our local community.

Now in my second term as staff governor, I remain committed and enthusiastic about hearing your voice and sharing your feedback. Always seeking to develop new relationships across the organisation, I continue to regularly present an informed and inclusive perspective representative of our staffs’ diverse views at Council of Governor and Staff Governor meetings. 

I remain a passionate advocate for our community’s voice. Through the Governor Membership Group, I have encouraged local people, and temporary and retiring staff to become members and have their say. I have also been instrumental in developing staff engagement sessions where our staff governors can meet you directly. Whether your role is clinical or non, I believe your perspective on what it means to be part of the Trust is essential in shaping services that meet our patients’ needs and provide a fulfilling work experience for you. 

Jessica Poulton
Jessica Poulton
Jessica Poulton

Watch this short video of Jessica Poulton explaining her role and talking about membership.

Video transcript

Hello, my name is Jessica Poulton and I'm one of five Staff Governors at Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust.

My role as Staff Governor is to represent the views of all staff to the Council of Governors - and to the board. Your views count - they can make a real difference to improve staff experience - and inform other improvements at the Trust.

Details of all of our Staff Governors and how you can get in touch, are available on The Pulse.

All substantive staff automatically become members, if you are a bank or an agency worker, we encourage you to join as a public member via the web address below.

As a member, you decide how involved you want to be, this might be keeping up to date with the latest developments of the Trust via our newsletter.

Or providing feedback on the issues that matter to you, such as the health and wellbeing of your colleagues.

You can vote in Staff Governor elections, or you might like to stand as a Staff Governor yourself.

The Trust are looking for more local people to show their support for their local NHS services by joining as public members.

Please do encourage your friends, family and those who you care for to join. It's free and easy to do, either online or via a paper membership form.

If you have any questions or you need any help with joining, please contact our friendly membership team on 01273696011, extension, 1520.

Thank you for listening, we look forward to hearing from you.

Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024