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As a student midwife from 1997–2000, the importance of community healthcare was made very clear to me.

We were not simply focusing on the single job at hand, whether that was antenatal visits or helping a new mother to breastfeed.

The community is how all the cogs work together. Community healthcare is noticing when one cog is not running smoothly and being able to support and reconnect.

I am a Town and District Councillor for Lewes which offers me insights into aspects of the difficulties being faced by our community, whether that's because of poor housing, debt, physical or mental illness.

However, the role has also taught me new skills such as responding to policy consultations and contributing to making strategy. I am a community ambassador for Women's Aid, raising awareness about domestic abuse and signposting to support.

I bring campaigning energy and eagerness to see change leading to improved health and wellbeing across all generations.

Imogen Makepeace
Imogen Makepeace
Imogen Makepeace

Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024