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I am American born and raised in the UK and I am currently a dual national. I am a retired senior research scientist/manager working previously in the area of microbial biochemistry and more recently synthetic biology, and was also a mathematical modeller working on the modelling of experimental space.

I have been an occasional academic providing lectures at UCL (mathematical modelling) and at Cambridge University on aspects of the history and philosophy of science. I hold degrees in Biochemistry, Mathematics, and Microbiology and did PhD research into fungal enzymology. Managerially, I have operated at director level in a global R&D organisation and have run my own transnational business consultancy providing insight into aspects of advanced biotechnology.

I have also been a member of the Biological Sciences Research Council working in plant and microbial science. As a local Councillor for Chichester City, I am a member of the Community Affairs and Planning Committees and provide insight into aspects of Project Management and preparing goal orientated objectives as required.

I believe I can make a positive contribution in the governor role, for example, helping to identify coherent, added-value metric driven objectives and perhaps providing oversight on effective schemes for delivering on those objectives.

Craig Gershater
Craig Gershater
Craig Gershater

Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024