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I am proud to say that I have been an appointed governor to represent volunteers since March 2020.

I first became involved with the NHS volunteers in 2017 after retiring from a long teaching career. I was fortunate enough to gain a place on an NHS training course, to learn how to support mothers to breastfeed their babies. I then put my new-found knowledge into practice, working closely alongside a qualified health professional. It was an extremely rewarding and enjoyable role, but as Covid struck, close contact support activities ended, so I volunteered to become a coordinator for the Vaccine Programme at the Brighton Centre.

Now as an appointed governor, I work closely with the volunteer services, representing the views of volunteers at the Trust's Council of Governors.

I am also member of the membership engagement group, which endeavours to find ways to encourage the public to become members and to obtain public and member feedback. 

Ann Barlow
Ann Barlow
Ann Barlow

Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024