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Board and Executive Team

Comprised of Non-Executive Directors and the Executive Leadership Team, our Board of Directors is responsible for shaping our strategic direction and overseeing performance.

Board meetings and papers

Each time the Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust Board meets, there is the opportunity to provide questions up front, watch the live stream or read the meeting papers.

Non-Executive Directors

Non-Executive Directors help to run the Trust, using skills and experience gained from working across private, public and voluntary sectors. They do not have day-to-day managerial responsibilities within the Trust.

  • Giles York, Chair
  • Mark Swyny, Non-Executive Director
  • Gill Galliano, Non-Executive Director
  • Lesley Strong, Non-Executive Director
  • Dipesh Patel, Associate Non-Executive Director*
  • Mandy Chapman, Non-Executive Director
  • Veronika Neyer, Non-Executive Director

*The Associate Non-Executive Director is not a voting member of the Board.

Executive Directors

Executive Directors are members of the Board and are paid employees with clear areas of responsibility within the Trust.

  • Siobhan Melia, Chief Executive
  • Mike Jennings, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive
  • Dr Karen Eastman, Chief Medical Officer
  • Donna Lamb, Chief Nurse
  • Kate Pilcher, Chief Operating Officer
  • Caroline Julien, Chief People Officer*

*The Chief People Officer is not a voting member of the Board.

Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024