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The Friends of Lewes Victoria Hospital was formed in 1966 and has so far raised over £6 million, which has been used to pay for anything and everything from X-ray, DEXA scanning and ultrasonography equipment, to forceps and pictures on the walls. The Friends have also helped to fund major developments such as the physiotherapy building and the outpatient clinics.

More recently the Friends provided Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust with funds for riser chairs, the redevelopment and extension costs for the Urgent Treatment Centre, and a new conservatory for the Inpatient Ward.

The Friends raise funds with the help of many local organisations. They run events such as Carol Concerts, Open Gardens and Open Days to raise both funds and the Friends profile. Many local people have also been kind enough to leave the Friends a Legacy. These, together with donations from grateful patients and relatives help to support the hospital's major development projects.

The wonderful and generous support of the people of Lewes and its surrounding villages has helped to ensure that the hospital remains fully flexible, up-to-date, and able to cope with the many advances in medical practice.


The Friends is a Registered Charity, No. 247336.

Ways to donate

Donate to the Friends JustGiving page

Donations can be made through the Friends JustGiving page.

By text message

To donate via text message, please use the following details:

For a one-off donation, please Text 'FOLVHDONATE' followed by your donation amount to 70085

For a monthly donation: Please text 'FOLVHGIVE' followed by your monthly amount to 70085

Setting up a Direct Debit/Standing Order

If you’d like to set up a direct debit or standing order to make a monthly donation to the Friends of Lewes Victoria Hospital, please contact the Friends for information via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Send a donation in the post

If you’d like to send a donation in the post, please address it to:

The Treasurer
Friends of Lewes Victoria Hospital
Lewes Victoria Hospital
Nevill Road
East Sussex

Leaving a Legacy

If you’d like to leave a legacy in your Will to the League of Friends, please send an email with the subject Legacy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Upcoming events

  • Lewes Marathon (known as Moyleman), 17 March 2024
  • Brighton Marathon, 7 April 2024

Become a Trustee

To become a Trustee, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

How to apply for a grant

Grants can only be applied for by NHS staff. If the Trust is not able to meet your request, then the Friends may be able to help. Any staff based in Lewes Victoria Hospital or supporting Lewes patients are able to apply for funding for projects as described within the Friends' constitution. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your proposal.

Once discussed with the League of Friends Support team, staff are requested to complete an application form which can be provided either by the League of Friends Support team or from the Friends directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please email completed bids to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Get in touch

You can contact the Friends via the Secretary of The Friends, at:

Lewes Victoria Hospital
Nevill Road
East Sussex

Friends AGM

The Friends normally hold their AGM in July. It's advertised locally and is open to all members to attend.

The Friends is run by an Executive Committee which meets quarterly.

Charity Commission

View the annual accounts of the Friends for the past five years including annual income and expenditure.


For more information about the Friends of Lewes Victoria Hospital, please visit their website.

Page last reviewed: 04 July 2024